Budget Balance

Mobile app
Project Overview
The process of tracking your expenses and income might be overwhelming. The Budget Balance application is a modern financial planning and analysis solution, designed specifically to manage all your finance flows, including payments, bills, investments and multiple income sources.

The app provides intuitive analytics plus easy-to-use management – all designed for end-user self-service. All statistics are presented, using a large number of charts and graphs to make complex and confusing financial information easier to understand.
Advanced filtering allows track spending or incomes by category, period, transaction amount etc. User gets personalized statistics, highlighting only the information the user needs.

The app provides intuitive analytics plus easy-to-use management – all designed for end-user self-service. All statistics are presented, using a large number of charts and graphs to make complex and confusing financial information easier to understand.

About the process

The working process included all design stages, starting from product research, strategy and analysis to prototype and testing. Not everything is showcased in the case study.


to learn about app
users and their needs.


Determining the problem statement and user pain points.


Brainstorming and ideating innovative solutions.


Transforming the design vision into a product


Testing design ideas,  and improving based on user feedback.

Information Architecture

Colours and Typography





The app interface is intuitive, clean and minimalistic. The home screen displays primary information for users, including current available balance, accounts, and recent transactions.

Manage transactions

Get detailed information about your transactions, and filter them. Receive regular overviews and tips on how to improve your budget state.

Track your spendings

Track and control your spending with categories and easy-to-use intuitive analytics, designed for end-user self-service. All statistics are presented, using a large number of charts and graphs to make complex and confusing financial information easier to understand.

All your accounts in one place

Connect all your financial account in one app, bank accounts, credit cards, cash and others. With the ability to automatically record all transactions using connected bank accounts and add transactions manually, the app allows you to track financial flows at all levels without missing a single detail.

Advanced filtering

Advanced filtering allows track spending or incomes by category, period, transaction amount etc. User gets personalized statistics, highlighting only the information the user needs.